This section dives into the Coherence Spring Boot module. It explains how to use Coherence’s dedicated support for Spring Boot, e.g. Autoconfiguration.

1. Getting Started

In order to start using Coherence with Spring Boot you have to add the coherence-spring-boot-starter dependency as well as the desired version of Coherence.

Example 1. Adding the Coherence Spring Boot Starter Dependency
dependencies {
As Coherence Spring takes advantage of the new Coherence Bootstrap API, it requires Oracle Coherence CE version 20.12 or higher.

2. Using Coherence with Spring Boot

By adding the coherence-spring-boot-starter dependency, AutoConfiguration will be activated via the CoherenceAutoConfiguration class. This will also bind the CoherenceProperties class for further configuration. The YAML configuration for Spring Boot’s Coherence support may look like the following:

    destination: slf4j
    logger-name: MyCoherence
  - name: default
    config: "coherence-cache-config.xml"
    priority: 1
  - name: test
    config: "test-coherence-config.xml"
    priority: 2
    coherence.log.limit: 400
    coherence.log.level: 1

The following configuration properties are available.

Table 1. Coherence Configuration Properties
Key Default Value Description



The type of the logging destination.


Specifies which logged messages are emitted to the log destination. The legal values are -1 to 9. No messages are emitted if -1 is specified. More log messages are emitted as the log level is increased.



Specifies a logger name within chosen logging system


Specifies how messages that have a logging level specified are formatted before passing them to the log destination.


Specifies the maximum number of characters that the logger daemon processes from the message queue before discarding all remaining messages in the queue



Indicates the type of the session. One of the following: grpc, server, client


Namee of the session.


The Coherence cache configuration URI for the session



The priority order to be used when starting the session. Sessions will be started with the lowest priority first.


The scope name for the session.

Session-related configuration properties are defined based on the session type in:

All but the Session properties are translated into native Coherence properties. If both Spring Boot property AND a native property* are configured, the Spring Boot property is used.

If the provided Spring Boot configuration properties are not sufficient for your needs, you can also specify any of the native Coherence properties. For a list of available native properties, please consult the reference guide chapter on System Property Overrides.

3. Coherence Support of the Spring Boot ConfigData API

Since Spring Boot 2.4.x, you can define your own custom config locations. This allows you to import these config locations as property sources. As such, Coherence Spring allows you to use a Coherence cluster as a source of configuration data for your Spring Boot based applications.

Please also consult the Spring Boot reference guide on Externalized Configuration, especially the chapter on Importing Additional Data.
Please also see the chapter on Coherence Spring Cloud Config.

You can trigger the import of remote configuration properties with the Spring Boot property spring.config.import using the value coherence:. You will also need the corresponding Coherence config-client configured to specify any remote connection settings for your Coherence cluster as well as settings specifying how properties will be applied, e.g. the name of the application used to fetch remote properties.

    import: coherence:
    application-name: berlin
    profile: kona

Many properties have sensible default value. Please see class CoherenceConfigClientProperties for details.

4. Caching with Spring Boot

If you have not already done so, please read the chapter Configuring Coherence Cache for Spring first.

In this chapter, we see how we can use caching with Coherence in Spring Boot. As long as coherence-spring-boot-starter is added to your project, and caching is enabled via @EnableCaching, Coherence Autoconfiguration will automatically provide a CoherenceCacheManager (implementing Spring’s CacheManager) to the ApplicationContext. However, the CacheManager is only added if no CacheManager was configured explicitly beforehand.

Once that is in place, you can take advantage of Spring’s Cache abstraction backed by Coherence and use Spring’s annotations such as @Cacheable, @CacheEvict, @CachePut etc.

When learning about Coherence’s Spring cache abstraction support, please familiarize yourself with the following resources: