Class BackingRepository<T,​ID>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the entity type
    ID - the id type

    public class BackingRepository<T,​ID>
    The BackingRepository is a Coherence Repository backing Coherence-based Spring repositories.
    Ryan Lubke
    See Also:
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class<T extends Object>,<ID extends Object,​T extends Object>
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void delete​(T entity)
      Deletes a given entity.
      T delete​(T entity, boolean fReturn)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.remove(Object, boolean).
      void deleteAll()
      Deletes all entities managed by the repository.
      boolean deleteAll​(com.tangosol.util.Filter<?> filter)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Filter).
      Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(com.tangosol.util.Filter<?> filter, boolean fReturn)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Filter, boolean).
      void deleteAll​(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
      Deletes the given entities.
      boolean deleteAll​(Collection<? extends T> colEntities)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Collection).
      Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(Collection<? extends T> colEntities, boolean fReturn)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Collection, boolean).
      boolean deleteAll​(Stream<? extends T> strEntities)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Stream).
      Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(Stream<? extends T> strEntities, boolean fReturn)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Stream, boolean).
      void deleteAllById​(Iterable<? extends ID> ids)
      Deletes all instances of the type T with the given IDs.
      boolean deleteAllById​(Collection<? extends ID> colIds)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAllById(Collection).
      Map<ID,​T> deleteAllById​(Collection<? extends ID> colIds, boolean fReturn)
      Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAllById(Collection, boolean).
      void deleteById​(ID id)
      Deletes the entity with the given id.
      boolean existsById​(ID id)
      Returns whether an entity with the given id exists.
      Iterable<T> findAll()
      Returns all instances of the type.<T> findAll​( pageable)
      Returns a Page of entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the Pageable object.
      Iterable<T> findAll​( sort)
      Returns all entities sorted by the given options.
      Iterable<T> findAllById​(Iterable<ID> ids)
      Returns all instances of the type T with the given IDs.
      Optional<T> findById​(ID id)
      Retrieves an entity by its id.
      protected Class<? extends T> getEntityType()  
      protected ID getId​(T t)<ID,​T> getMap()  
      <S extends T>
      saveAll​(Iterable<S> entities)
      Saves all given entities.
      • Methods inherited from class

        average, average, average, average, average, average, average, average, count, count, distinct, distinct, exists, get, get, getAll, getAll, getAll, getAll, getAll, getAll, getAllOrderedBy, getAllOrderedBy, getAllOrderedBy, getAllOrderedBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max, maxBy, maxBy, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, min, minBy, minBy, remove, remove, removeAll, removeAll, removeAll, removeAll, removeAll, removeAll, removeAllById, removeAllById, removeById, removeById, save, saveAll, saveAll, stream, stream, stream, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, sum, top, top, top, top, topBy, topBy, topBy, topBy, update, update, update, update, update, update, updateAll, updateAll, updateAll
      • Methods inherited from class

        addListener, addListener, addListener, createIndices, ensureInitialized, instantiateMapListener, listener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener
    • Method Detail

      • getMap

        public<ID,​T> getMap()
        Specified by:
        getMap in class<ID,​T,​<ID,​T>>
      • getId

        protected ID getId​(T t)
        Specified by:
        getId in class<ID,​T,​<ID,​T>>
      • getEntityType

        protected Class<? extends T> getEntityType()
        Specified by:
        getEntityType in class<ID,​T,​<ID,​T>>
      • delete

        public void delete​(T entity)
        Deletes a given entity.
        entity - must not be null
        IllegalArgumentException - in case the given entity is null.
      • deleteById

        public void deleteById​(ID id)
        Deletes the entity with the given id.
        id - must not be null
        IllegalArgumentException - in case the given id is null
      • deleteAll

        public void deleteAll​(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
        Deletes the given entities.
        entities - must not be null. Must not contain null elements
        IllegalArgumentException - in case the given entities or one of its entities is null.
      • saveAll

        public <S extends TIterable<S> saveAll​(Iterable<S> entities)
        Saves all given entities.
        Type Parameters:
        S - entity type
        entities - must not be null nor must it contain null
        the saved entities; will never be null. The returned Iterable will have the same size as the Iterable passed as an argument.
        IllegalArgumentException - in case the given entities or one of its entities is null.
      • findById

        public Optional<T> findById​(ID id)
        Retrieves an entity by its id.
        id - must not be null.
        the entity with the given id or Optional#empty() if none found.
        IllegalArgumentException - if id is null.
      • findAll

        public Iterable<T> findAll()
        Returns all instances of the type.
        all entities
      • findAll

        public Iterable<T> findAll​( sort)
        Returns all entities sorted by the given options.
        sort - the sort configuration
        all entities sorted by the given options
      • findAll

        public<T> findAll​( pageable)
        Returns a Page of entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the Pageable object.
        pageable - paging metadata
        a page of entities
      • findAllById

        public Iterable<T> findAllById​(Iterable<ID> ids)
        Returns all instances of the type T with the given IDs.

        If some or all ids are not found, no entities are returned for these IDs.

        Note that the order of elements in the result is not guaranteed.

        ids - must not be null nor contain any null values
        guaranteed to be not null. The size can be equal or less than the number of given ids.
        IllegalArgumentException - in case the given ids or one of its items is null.
      • existsById

        public boolean existsById​(ID id)
        Returns whether an entity with the given id exists.
        id - must not be null
        true if an entity with the given id exists, false otherwise.
        IllegalArgumentException - if id is null.
      • deleteAll

        public void deleteAll()
        Deletes all entities managed by the repository.
      • delete

        public T delete​(T entity,
                        boolean fReturn)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.remove(Object, boolean).
        entity - the entity to remove
        fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
        deleted entity, iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
      • deleteAllById

        public void deleteAllById​(Iterable<? extends ID> ids)
        Deletes all instances of the type T with the given IDs.
        ids - must not be null. Must not contain null elements.
      • deleteAllById

        public boolean deleteAllById​(Collection<? extends ID> colIds)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAllById(Collection).
        colIds - the identifiers of the entities to remove
        true if this repository changed as a result of the call
      • deleteAllById

        public Map<ID,​T> deleteAllById​(Collection<? extends ID> colIds,
                                             boolean fReturn)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAllById(Collection, boolean).
        colIds - the identifiers of the entities to remove
        fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
        the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
      • deleteAll

        public boolean deleteAll​(Collection<? extends T> colEntities)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Collection).
        colEntities - the entities to remove
        true if this repository changed as a result of the call
      • deleteAll

        public Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(Collection<? extends T> colEntities,
                                         boolean fReturn)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Collection, boolean).
        colEntities - the entities to remove
        fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
        the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
      • deleteAll

        public boolean deleteAll​(Stream<? extends T> strEntities)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Stream).
        strEntities - the entities to remove
        true if this repository changed as a result of the call
      • deleteAll

        public Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(Stream<? extends T> strEntities,
                                         boolean fReturn)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Stream, boolean).
        strEntities - the entities to remove
        fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
        the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
      • deleteAll

        public boolean deleteAll​(com.tangosol.util.Filter<?> filter)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Filter).
        filter - the criteria that should be used to select entities to remove
        true if this repository changed as a result of the call
      • deleteAll

        public Map<ID,​T> deleteAll​(com.tangosol.util.Filter<?> filter,
                                         boolean fReturn)
        Alias for AbstractRepository.removeAll(Filter, boolean).
        filter - the criteria that should be used to select entities to remove
        fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
        the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise