Class CoherenceIndexedSessionRepository

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SESSION_MAP_NAME
        The default name of map used by Spring Session to store sessions.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINCIPAL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
        The principal name custom attribute name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoherenceIndexedSessionRepository

        public CoherenceIndexedSessionRepository​( coherenceSession)
        Create a new CoherenceIndexedSessionRepository instance.
        coherenceSession - the Coherence Session instance to use for managing sessions
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval

        public void setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval​(java.time.Duration defaultMaxInactiveInterval)
        Set the maximum inactive interval between requests before newly created sessions will be invalidated. A value of 0 means that the session will never time out unless the cache is configured otherwise in the coherence-cache-config.xml. The default is 1800s (30 minutes).
        defaultMaxInactiveInterval - the maximum inactive interval in seconds must not be negative or null
      • setIndexResolver

        public void setIndexResolver​(org.springframework.session.IndexResolver<org.springframework.session.Session> indexResolver)
        Set the IndexResolver to use.
        indexResolver - the index resolver
      • setSessionMapName

        public void setSessionMapName​(java.lang.String sessionMapName)
        Set the name of map used to store sessions.
        sessionMapName - the session map name
      • setFlushMode

        public void setFlushMode​(org.springframework.session.FlushMode flushMode)
        Sets the FlushMode. Defaults to FlushMode.ON_SAVE.
        flushMode - must not be null
      • setSaveMode

        public void setSaveMode​(org.springframework.session.SaveMode saveMode)
        Set the save mode.
        saveMode - must not be null
      • setUseEntryProcessor

        public void setUseEntryProcessor​(boolean useEntryProcessor)
      • isUseEntryProcessor

        public boolean isUseEntryProcessor()
      • getFlushMode

        public org.springframework.session.FlushMode getFlushMode()
      • getSaveMode

        public org.springframework.session.SaveMode getSaveMode()
      • getIndexResolver

        public org.springframework.session.IndexResolver<org.springframework.session.Session> getIndexResolver()
      • clearAllSessions

        public void clearAllSessions()
        Clear all sessions.
      • resetMaxInactiveIntervalForActiveSessions

        public void resetMaxInactiveIntervalForActiveSessions()
        Reset the max inactive interval for all active sessions.