Class SpringBasedCoherenceSession

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, Aware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener<ApplicationContextEvent>

public class SpringBasedCoherenceSession extends Object implements ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener<ApplicationContextEvent>, DisposableBean, InitializingBean
Provides the ability to acquire Coherence-based resources in the Spring Framework.

Spring-based Applications will typically use this to access resources (NamedCaches) provided by Coherence. Using this class allows Spring to both inject values into Coherence and Coherence to request Beans from Spring, all without requiring the use of static member variables or methods.

Typically developers will instantiate an instance of a session to share across their application from with in their application configuration class. ie: the class(es) annotated with @Configuration

For Example:

 public class ApplicationConfiguration
     public SpringBasedCoherenceSession session()
         return new SpringBasedCoherenceSession("cache-config-file.xml);
To acquire resources (like NamedCaches) from a session, they can be similarly resolved (and injected).
 public class ApplicationConfiguration
     public SpringBasedCoherenceSession session()
         return new SpringBasedCoherenceSession("cache-config-file.xml);

     public NamedCache accounts()
         return session.getCache("accounts");
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Brian Oliver